Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Be tension free

Now a days this world is too much complected for every one their are always fight people with some things negative as a result it is very difficult to live without tension but also it is very easy to live without then if u want that you just need to flow some rules.

Now the question is how one human can be tension free? is there any one? No , it should not be but there are difference between tension whom do it regular and without cause always and whom do it just for take a decision making time. Also some people have very patient they don't tension when they are big problem .

If you have the habit of tension then you can reduce it step by step and one time you are able to control it when so you are thinking yourself happiest man of the earth.

(01) always think positive never think negative. Just think many people are more trouble than you.

(02)Make your personality strong try to developing your personality day by day . You can Start it by stop telling lie.Always tell the truth .even we our-self tell lie stop it .

(03)make habit to learn any thing if you not know driving or swimming you can learn it , if you not find any thing you can learn other language that is not your mother language.

(04) Read, Read and Read i don;t tell you any specific field read what you like

(05)Try to help other don't think only about you,do your duty in every field of your live

(06) have you any hobby? if not then makes something which you like which you want its depends on you it may traveling , reading, gardening etc

(07)You can also exercise or meditation and walking every day

(08) If possible play somethings but don't' play which are play in seating

(09)Try to pray and go to nature feel how create god the earth when you realized may be you cry for joy and sorrow too

(10) Thinks how many days you live it just some year may 80/90 or hundred but is it enough without that you don't know when you die so enjoy nothing in your hand without try so try and just enjoy your life

mean while most necessary always happy with what you have not want more that the way you can be make your life tension free and most commonly success full