Friday, January 27, 2012

Best way to learing graphic design

If some one want to be a graphic designer at first he/she likes to it and i thing if she/he has a computer or laptop he/she can try it yourself . In our country maximum institute are not learn properly they just gave certificate and earn money. there are exception also but they are very few.

I think if someone want to be a good graphic designer she/he first need love with it and he/she have creative. there are many ways to learn graphic designing for example there are many good books in market they can buy it and follow that. Also internet is now a good guide .there are many site this teach very well and also if you have any person who are a graphic designer you can take help from him. every time try to learn from books ,net, person and If possible such a good institute .\

Now a days this is a very good career. you not only get a nice job but also you can business and if you want you can works as a free lancer. besides you both do job and free lancing, business and out sourcing. there are many site who get works from freelancer.

I suggest when you learning graphic designing try to learn every point though it is small or very simple.
 there are many software now which makes graphic designing very easy but that is not real designer work. creativity makes you unique and different than other that makes you stand out other and for this you need to know the main things of graphic designing.

first you learn adobe Photoshop its make u quite easy to anther program like illustrator, coral draw and when you learn Auto cad then you are called a A class graphic designer.
So try to start from now if you want to make your career as a graphic designer.

If you need basic help you can tell me i will try to my best to help you.


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