Tuesday, February 28, 2012

<a href="http://www.blogpingtool.com">Ping Yahoo</a>

Monday, February 27, 2012

How to import database from MY SQ L

How to use data base import from MY SQ L. To import Database you follow the steps as below:
(01)Write to your browser http://localhostmyadmin/ then press enter you can see PHP my admin page is displaying.

(02) In the right side of the page you can find database directory.

(03) Here you chose import from upper of the page . Then come import page

(04) Click browse button which is the upper of the page choose file to upload window open then.

(05)From here select the necessary file  and click open button, then file is add.

(06) Now click go button which is in the lower side of the page. your publications (02) import or your table

(07) How you look the publications(2) database there are add 22 , actually how much table you add this quantity's and name of the table was shown.

How to transfer database MY SQ L to anather format

If you want all table of database fully or any one of the table of database which is making by MY SQ L export different format and keeping this also deterrent format. it's advantage is next time those file are import MT SQ L those database are fully same to same that means unchanged. For caring database this is a very good solution.

(01) Which database you want to export select first.

(02) Up of the page select menu than select export

(03)You can export different format of data base from here. Those are code gen, C VS,SSH for ms excel . Microsoft 2000 microsoftword2000 latex, open Document, spreadsheet, open document text PDF, SQ L, text!, Text, XML, XAML etc, so you can also select one of them easily.

(04)Then select button of the page save option.

(05) Click go button then file download display in the window.

(06) Click here save button save as dialog box come.

(07)Which location you want to save the file choice the place send click save button thee file will save that place.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kinds of web hosting

Free hosting:- Some of ISP giving facilities to free web hosting. Personal and small size and low quantities few traffic site can take this advantage.They can use that types of free hosting, but high traffic or original real business site can not never use this free hosting facilities. There tactical support are very few or poor and tactical options are also very few.
Some times you can not use your domain name which keep free hosting.your host given you a name which can use you like http://www.feesite.com/user~your site name html. This is tough to types and hard to remember and not very much professional also.
Now i say about the advances of free hosting:-
01) It is free so cost in low
02)Personal or family or for hobby it is good.
03)Some time you can got free e-mail option also.
Now i say about the disadvantages of free hosting:-
01)There is not any domain name.
02)Few. limited  or software less option.
03)Security system is very low level.
04)Limited or not supported by database.
05)Few technical support.
Shared (Virtual) hosting:-

Shared hosting is a very much cheap cost. Share hosting give your site a own name and also your site with hundreds of web site related with a strong power full server. Share hosting are given maximum time more than one option like e-mail, database,and variates editing system option.

Share hosting good side are as below:-
01) Low cost because expenses shared with other company.
02)Small size business and medium traffic site are good for share hosting.
03)You will get there multiparty software option.
04)you can use your domain name.
05)Also you get good support from them
Share hosting negative side are as below:-
01) Many web site are one server so there are risk of your security.
02) Traffic system are restricted with rules and regulation.
03) There are some rules and regulation also for database support
04)Also there are some rules and regulations for software support.

Dedicated hosting:-

With dedicated hosting your web site will be dedicated with a dedicated hosting server. Dedicated  hosting is a very much expensive option. This option is a very much expensive option. this option is very good for those web site which needs high traffic and those are used very special software. This hosting is very much power full and safe and also there are you got unlimited software solutions.

Good side of dedicated hosting:-

01) It is very good or we can say best for big business.
02)very good for high traffic
03)You can use here multiparty domain name.
04)power full e-mail solutions
05)power full data base support.
06)power full (unlimited) software support.
negative side of dedicated hosting:-
01)very much expensive
02)Need high ability to control

Collocated hosting:-
Collocation means co-location. Collocation hosting give you to chance to place  your own web server as a service provider.You running your web server in your own site like that only different its keeps a good place which is specially design for it.

Collocation hosting good sides are here;
01)High bandwidth
02)High up time
03)High security.
04)Unlimited software option

Collocation hosting negative side are:-
01)It is very much expensive
02)Need highly qualified for hosting
03)Possible to upgrade better server.
04)Configuration and debug are very tough.

your check list:-
you confirm before select your own web host it is essential and for this you need to check some factor.
01)What types of hosting are suitable for you
02)Is this hosting types are adjust with your demand?
03)possible to upgrade in future better server.
04)If needed than you can upgrade your web site in dedicated server

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Friday, February 17, 2012


when any company or person  need a good web hosting he also needs a good support data base technology and so that he needs a database which can support him properly and perfectly lets discuss about database technical side.
Web database:- If you need your web site huge quantities information update and collect regularly then you must need to those information collect and therefore you need a database for this task. There are varieties database for web hosting. there are some well known best common database are MY SQ L, SQ L server, Oracle, ms access.
Now I tell about those database server:-
SQ L language use :- SQ L is a language for data access, if you want that your web site's information saved and secured and collected in a data base then your web site must be need with one data base system access there are good option which are used SQ L language.
SQ L SERVER:- SQ L :- SQ L server is very popular to high tariff data base website's. Microsoft SQ L server is high power full, strong, high tariff , high speedy database software. This is one of the most strong power full speedy and high tariff server with full feature. Maximum high tariff , high speedy, power full and strong web site chose it for popular.
 Oracle:-High tariff, power full, strong, speedy database running web site's also  like Oracle data base system. It is also very popular for its very strong power full speedy and full feature. It is very good database system
 MY SQ L :- For those types of web sites which need full feature high speed, power full and strong data base to these web site also like very much oracle its has all feature and strong power full and speedy database. My SQ L is also popular and alternative of Microsoft and Oracle for its cheap rate. So many people or company things that it is a alternative of Oracle and SQ L server.
 ACCESS :- If any web site need general database system then Microsoft access is the best solution. But high tariff database web sites are not well for this database, because this is not like strong power full speedy like My SQ L or Oracle. so it is okay for usually use web sites.

So remember web hosting database technical are very important for those web site which is high tariff, high speedy, power full and strong and need all full feature.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Windows hosting:- Those service are hosting in windows operating system which called windows hosting.If you have plain for running server script in ASP(active server pages) or micro soft access or micro soft S.Q.L  server, those types of database then you can must choice for micro soft hosting. Without that if you have to plain use micro soft front page for making your web site then windows hosting is the best choice for it
Unique hosting:- Which web services are used by unique operating system called unique hosting. unique is original web service operating system and it is famous for its goodwill and eligibility without that its cost is low than windows.
Linux hosting :- Web services are use which machine for hosting by Linux operating system are called Linux hosting.
CG I:- CG I scripts are executable which are use for dynamic's interactive web page. Maximum I.S.P are grant any CG I facilities.
I.S.P's are many times for doing reinstall, guest book, page counter, chat, forum, solutions that are given by CG I
ASP(Active server page):- ASP is a server script technology which made by micro soft. By using ASP you can makes your HTML pages use script code makes your HTML pages dynamic web page. Before browser return those pages are executed. You can use
VB script and java script both. Windows 95, windows 98, windows 2000 and windows XP can standard component.Every computer which is running by windows can active it.

P.H.P:- P.H.P is using broadly and it is free and also it is  alternative competitor of Microsoft ASP. P.H.P is very good server side language for web development. It is directly embed HTML pages. The syntax of P.H.P is general and common like peal or C. Now a few web server use this Apache with different operating system. Without that this is (ISAPI) supported. Windows Microsoft is can use with it.
JSP:- JSP is like ASP server side technology which made by sun. By JSP you can makes your HTML pages using java code makes your page easily dynamic. Return before browser pages are executed by web server. JSP technology do not fix platform  or rules or regulation for using java.

Cold fusion;- Cold fusion is one more server side script language that use for dynamic web pages. Which is made by adobe.
CHILI! SOFT ASP:- ASP running only Microsoft technology windows platform but CHILI! SOFT ASP is a good that makes chances ASP in unique or other some platform.
Microsoft font page;- Font page is a tool made by Microsoft for making font page.With its help any person no need to very much knowledge to make a web page. Maximum windows hosting solution use font page server extension support.

Adobe Dreamweaver:-  Dream weaver is a tool of adobe for making website, with this Dreamweaver need not to known much about web development. CSS, Java script,ASP NET,Cold fusion java server pages and PHP all support Dreamweaver. Mac and windows both operating system can operating it.

 Secure server;- Secure server technology data encrypted so if you any plain of credit card action than or other communication which needs to secure unauthorized entry protection in that case you must need to use your ISP must one secure server.

For web hosting this technologies are used .


What is domain name:- Domain name is a different name of a website. Like WWW.yahoo.com. Any domain name must be need registration. When it is registered then it is  add with biggest domain name register.Without that domain name system(DNS) server add that web site IP address and this website related information.All the computers which is connected with internet  domain name and addresses give DNS server and play a very important role there
Registration of domain name:- You can registration your web site  from domain name registration company. Those company can manage you easy domain name for your use.There are varieties of domain name, you can choice one of them. World wide web (WWW) top some domain name extension are here:as below
01) .com (commercial)
02) .net  (network)
03) .org (organization)
04) .edu (education)
05) .gov (us government)
06) .int (international organization)
07) .pro (professional)
08) .biz (business)
09) .info (information)
10) .mil (us Dept. of Defense)
There are many company in the whole world even in Bangladesh which gives domain name registration service. You can easily find out of those company.
Choice of domain name:- For any company or person domain name choice is a difficult and also great decision. New new creative domain name extension can give you thousands of excellent domain name. For choosing domain name there are  main and important factor is why and what for you take or select this name. What your goal. If your choice proper and perfect then domain name gain your mission, vision and goal.
Short name:- Commonly people do not want to write web site name. In this case any big name selection can be boring for them. So when you selection your domain name must try to easy and small  name what can be easily remember or read.
 Meaning full name:- Without objective name small or easy name have no value for example nh361.com this is a small name but this name write or remember is not easy. So choice this types of name which is related with your web site subject and people easily can understand about your web site.
 Easy to understand:- When you select your domain name you must give importance to that people easily can remember and understand and pronounce the web site.
 Sub domain:- Many people every day used sub domain but in that case they are not conses. World wide web (WWW) is a example of sub domain. Sub domain can be made DNS server and those are not need to registration in any where.

False domain name or Directory list:- Some of provider can gives you domain name from there own domain name example WWW.our-company.com/your company. In fact this is not any real domain name this is a directory. Also directory domain names are not attractive mainly for business site.
Commonly directory domain names are use for personal web site and the ISP get free those website. You may looks in internet that kinds of web site WWW.there-are-our-company/username.
For the competition of the domain name registration companies that types of factor making and these web site rate also very cheap.
 Expired domain:-When you go to a domain name registration that time you can fall that problem in fact in that case many company bought domain name for business purpose they bought the domain name and later this domain name sells much price.but you can registration one domain name for highest 10 years.When the registration expired the company do not re-registration that also some time the domain name have a few days to expire. So you have to alert about that other wise you can fall that types of problem. May be after buy domain name some day later you find that your domain name registration expired.
 Use your own domain name:- After choice domain name and registration it you can decide that you only use this domain name for your web site and all your communication like e-mail and other related works you can do from only here.
 Conclusion:- Those domain name are small, easy to remember and meaning full that are asset. Without that thinking about visitors must remember about search engine. People search those subjects search engine makes ranking based of it.Makes very popular to your web site you also add searchlight in your domain.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Web Hosting And Related Subjects

Web Hosting And Related Subjects


If you want that other people also see your website then you have to must your web site copy with any public server, though you have to opportunity your PC use as a server but the best way is connected with any internet service provider(ISP) and this internet service provider (ISP) host your site. You can expected in web hosting solution domain name registration and standers e-mail services from this internet  service provider.

Own server hosting: Your website hosting of your own always may be a option but in that case some matter always in your mind those are as follows

(01)Expenses of hardware: Operating a real website is always need some strong server hardware and for this you need to buy some hardware. You do not expect cheap types of pc doing this work,without that you need one high speed 24 hours internet connection.

(02)Software expenses: Always remember that server license can be more than Clint license can be for few users.

(03)Expenses of  labors:Do not expect cheap labor cost. You need to your own server's hardware and software install, without that you have to face virus and bug problem and every things maintains for always your need to create a standard and for this you need expert people and for this high expenses are related for it.

Use of internet service provider: You have to good option to rent any internet service provider(ISP). Maximum small company related that  web site with any internet service provider for keeping there data. There are some facilities those are:

01) Connection spreed: Maximum internet service provider(ISP) has fast speed connection.

02)Strong hardware: Internet service provider(ISP) has very well strong web server those are used to some of companies, in that case load are used better balance. without that necessary back up will expect you from them.

03)Security and longevity: In web hosting field internet service provider(ISP) are specialist. You expect from them more than 99% server related best service. Also Latest and best virus protection you can expect from them.

Some preference subject to use ISP:

01) 24 hour service:For web hosting you first confirm which ISP provider you choice because it is very important .you choice which provider give you 24 hours service other wise you fall in problem yourself. other wise you fall a problem situation.

02) Every day back up: Must be confirm that your internet service provider give you every day back up your site, other wise you can lost your important data or information any moment.

03)Tariff volume: Must confirm about  your (ISP) tariff volume first because if your site some day may be very popular in that case that time you have to pay them much money.

04) Bandwidth or content rules: Properly justify and read internet service provider's bandwidth or content rules if you have plain or interest in future you publish picture , relay video, or voice then you need added more bandwidth.

05) E-mail facility:Confirm about your internet service provider fill up of your full e-mail demand.

06) Database access: If you have to plain that from your data base you surf data in that case be confirm that your internet service provider can give you this facility, that means you can take chance to access your data base.

That all means when you can provide a web site you must need to justify all those subject and choice if you do all this you can get better service other wise you have to chance fall of problem in future. So my advice think first then justify and last step is take decision

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Web hosting & E-Commerce

E-commerce is the most smart business policy. We can describe E-commerce like that when goods and services are selling internet is called e-commerce.
Making own e-commerce system is not a brilliant idea because e-commerce system making is a very complicated works.
If you want then you can buy a system which can you used at once. Also you can run it your own server.

There are so many system selling in the market and most of them can doing your order management and progressing works, but if you are not  clear sense about web hosting you should not need to start works with e-commerce. In that cause the best idea is you need to find out some one good ISP.who can gives you the e-commerce solution.

E-commerce open with thousands of product and services, it has no limit maximum ISP simple and not costly which gives you run a virtual store.
When you starting a e-commerce business then you need to check some list :
(01) How it is control buyer?
(02) How it si control product catalog?
(03) How it is control order?
(04) How it is control inventory?
(05) How it is control back order?
(06) How it is works with shipment?
(07) How it is maintain account ?
(08) How does billing processing it?
(09) How it is control payment?
(10) How it is works with foreign money processing?
(11) How does it control credit card?
(12) How does it maintain or control about tax & vat related works.
(13) How does it security factor control?
(14) How does it control intrigue/ inscription?

Without that you must justify and check which works need more time that are automated. Automated billing, invoice control, accounting, & reporting making subjects search. Then if you are satisfied then sign in it.

Tax issue: It is a complected factor because when you sell some thing from online store you need to get vat for this is okay no problem here, the problem may be the buyer are not your country then it is export.
So it  is essential to know before open a online store about tax & vat. which product and where it is vat or tax free or how much tax you need to know properly about that.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Working with Adobe photshop in web

Adobe photo shop is the best software for working in web. Most of the web developer not only like but also very much like working with adobe Photo shop because all the web graphic work are possible with this software. Also the quality of images are accurately same though images are as much as small.
Now i am describe about adobe Photo shop tools which are use in web.Remember adobe Photo shop has some version but it is not any problem you can use any version but upgrade version is better.

When you works web graphic you have to focus some major factor and subjects these are

(a) Any file format can not support in web, so which file is more suitable for the web which you making that file choice is very much important. Try to always best file to choice.

(b)The memory size of a image is a big  factor for the web developer because maintain the best quality of image to fit is very tough when a web developer optimize the image.

(c)It is very important to a web developer to use perfect color table for web.

(d)And for web you try to select perfect output of image.
those are very important things for making a web graphic

Now i shortly describe about those tools which are used in web graphic but before that you need to introducing save of dialogue box or save for web& device:
First you open adobe Photo shop & then open a image . Now you go to menu bar>open file>open save for web & save device option from drop down menu,now click save for web & device box.

Now you can see the tools which you used graphics this are below for web

(01) Original=There you view four  image setting but   when if you click original tab then you see one image and that is original.

(02) Optimized=There you see four image setting but if you click optimized tab then you see one optimized setting.

(03)2-UP=There you see four setting but if you click 2-up setting then you see two setting.

(04)4-UP= If you again click 4-up tab you see four setting.

(05)preview pop up menu: If you click this menu then changing the setting you see preview pop up list.

(06)Save=When you finished your optimized works then you click save & then the image which you chose is save.

(07)Cancel= This window works for cancel item.

(08)Done=When you final your works then you click done button. 

(09)The option of optimization=This option using for different types of image setting.The option of the box also use file format changing.

(10)Color table pop up menu=This color table use for changing color setting . By clicking the arrow then pop up list is view.

(11)Image size pallet=When you click this tab all image  related information viewed in this pallet.

(12)Color table pallet= When you clicked this tab these color table pallet viewed all color information
of the image

(13)Tools of color table pallet=These tools are use for color changing of image.

(14)Image ready open bottom=This button use for go to Photo shop to image ready option.
(15)Preview in default browser= by clicking this button you can see preview of image in web browser.

(16)Zoom text box=This box use for see to image size big or small.

(17)information of image=this menu show you information of image like file format, file size,&how much time to need open it in Internet.

(18)Optimize image= This tool use for what file format you want for the image.

(19)Toolbar=when you works with image you need some tools like hand tool,slices tool/ zoom tool, eye dropper tool, eye dropper color, toggle slices visibility.

(20) Save for web& device &dialogue box preview show=For see image preview you need to dialog box clicking like original, optimized, 2-up,4-up between any of tab click , if you click 2-up or 4-up tab you see four /two image preview. If you want to see four /two image preview. If you want to see variety formatting you click optimized. Without that you can change setting by optimized setting.
If you want to see image ready preview then you click edit in image ready button, and note it when you see the image preview you must save the image in photo shop. If you not save it then when you return Photo shop to image ready you do not open the image again , but one save box come & give you to option to save the image.

(21) Image navigate=When you change the value of zoom box menu, you can use from keyword alt+/alt- . If image is so big that not fit in monitor then you can use hand tool to see the image by dragging by the hand there by you can see the image part which you need to properly.

(22)Image information preview=If you select variety option of image preview then image preview's under side brown color part show you original image preview and its size and setting and in optimized image's show you original image setting preview. this time if you click preview arrow you can see browser transfer speed for example if 56kb change 28k.b then how much time extra need it show.
I wish next time we are discussing about

(01)how to do graphic optimize & How to file format of graphics. also
(02)Discuss Kinds of web graphics & I think with this enough for any one who want to works with web graphics works.
N.B- Though learning is no limit but it is enough to do works.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Internet Social Marketing

                                                         Internet Social Marketing. 

I discuss my blog post before some days ago about affiliate marketing today i discuss about social marketing. In one sentence we can describe social marketing that marketing with your social network.
There are so many social networking site in internet. some are very very famous. Most two famous social networking site are twitter and Facebook without that there are thousand social networking site.
How can social marketing doing  internet : The main thing is you have to active in twitter and face book or if you want any other site then that site but personally i think twitter is best. I do not want to describe about twitter or Facebook because who knows a very little about computer and internet he/she known twitter and face book.

First i want to say about twitter:
you have must a account in twitter or if you have not then open account then you need to makes your follower higher then higher ( though without any kinds of ads or fake works it is very tough to normal people) but it is possible in fair way too e many site in internet who help earn money from twitter one of them is Ad.Ly.com this is a twitter based advertising company this company mainly campaign for other company . They offer you in twitter status maximum 140 words how much you want? if you not be decide they can help you. When $100 deposit in there account you can withdraw your money. But remember you need many followers to get this types of works.

The other main ads company in twitter is be-a-magpie 1st you need a account open in be-a magpie then they decide they can give you ads or not follower is also main here. but some different is here there ads is you looks before they post if you want. also there are three option (01)pay per click (02)pay per view (03)pay per action if you want you can take there or you can choice any one or two. Rev.twit is another company like be-a magpie they did same kinds of works.they give you for a valid click 0.04 to 0.20 and when $ 104 deposit in your account you can withdrawn it

In other hand Facebook is not so much good like twitter in social marketing but you can earn also from here if you have bigger friend list and fan page or group then advertisement company find out you for doing job and earning money

without that there are so many social networking site whom from you can earn money.but you must have ability and working power.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Internet & future affect

Short introduction= I am afraid and thinking our next generation how could be used internet, and what they done that time. I think they totally depended on computer after all we are also depend on it now. But may be after 9/10 generation where they stand. I don't  guess what will the earth that time. how will be human being I am afraid and thinking our next generation how could be used internet, and what they done that time. I think they totally depended on computer after all we are also depend on it now.

For example a man wake up from sleep then go to fresh wash room and after that he/she start with his/her computer or laptop or note pad use. and break-first time he/she read news, email, and fixed his/her works for that day also he/she replied emails.Some body also doing social networking with face book or twitter or like some kinds of this.
When he go to office in there car or way he also doing other internet related works. Reached office he/she works with also use net because all field like management marketing, accounting, human resource engineering, architect, designer, or doctor all are working with net, Life is much more easy now for internet. starting shopping to buy gift dress , food. banking, varieties bill all are payment in online. also education and consultancy are now related internet.Science are running like 100 meter race may be that day are not too much later when people just go outside for a walking or relaxing. We are very soon fully depend on internet. Actually earning will also comes from internet. boss or worker need not to go office or a businessman can be handle his/her business in the home with internet. Just some people who are working fiscally they are going outside. but there also machine doing there works few.

child are now play games internet. Music ,video, movie all entertainment are internet.

I think  one day may be after some generation later human are face a difficult situation.I wish to know very much what they will do that time??? 

Monday, February 6, 2012

DREAM RAIN:(Page#01)


(01) http://www.fanslave.net/ref.php?ref=213966
(03) http://www.minijobz.com/signup.php?REF=Y2hvd2JpcGxvYkB5YWhvby5jb20=
(04)    http://www.AWSurveys.com?R=LRCB

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Every business man want that his business spared or progress more than more quickly. Internet business man also thinking so. As a reason they are doing affiliate marketing and many people are involve day by day in it. Affiliate marketing is a good way to earn money. If a man doing this job seriously and very actively he/she can earn money as much as he/she never can expect.

Affiliate marketing is doing some ways mainly by member registration and other way are goods or services sales and download file but main thing is need that member or customer manage.

How can doing this affiliate marketing i try to brief that following :

(01)Some types of web site need for there ads or service and goods as a result they need new new member collection and for this they offer people affiliate marketing. They gives there member a link which used the member collect new member and for this he/she get commission that means money so who manage more and more member collect who can earn more and more money.

I want to gives advice to those people who are related with affiliated marketing for gives there link in blogs, website and forum that why people can used there link much. They need also trying to make own website and blogs. this types of website example are Alert pay, O desk, Chitika

(02) There are some web site sales there goods and service online that called E-commerce those people who doing this kinds of affiliate marketing they need to write about that goods and services in good website and blogs also discuss about some good forum and must used there link there that why people use there link and they earn money.
Amazon, E-bay is example of this kinds of website.

(03)some web site earn by downloading file and who are related that kinds of affiliating marketing they also need to manage blogs, web site and forum to add there link and told the advantages of  downloading file.

It is very much important that every person who related affiliate marketing always maintain there network both personally and online by maintaining email, blogs, website, forum, and several social network site like face book, twitter, DIGG, and also they can gives advertisement in verity ways, if once they get the right way then they can earn unbelievable money which they can never thinking any time. The first and last things is success and for this they need hard work and use there talent and proper communication if once they get the right way then they don't need to seem hard this job it seem very easy to them.  


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Earn money with macrolancer

 I am works in macro-lancer.com . it is a good site for earn money, there are enough works and also works rate is very well. If some one work here sincerely he/ she done well . 75% success rate is need to work here and so worker are doing there job sincerely. also who are new in this field for them it is a good earning site. payment system is also good here. more over the buyer are also happy because they delivered well works . admin always check works here. so all over it is good for earn money with macro lancer for all  .Earn money with macro lancerearn money with macro lancer                                  
                                           ABOUT DATA ENTRY WORK

It is also a earning source of online. you can get some extra money to do this work.For this you need not very much experience or investment.
You just start it a personal computer and a high speed internet line. But it is very important that you have to love this work other wise you feel very boring. As a result you don't progress or signing this job. money is very important in life and we all have not extra talent or education or skill but typing is not so hard or tough work if anybody try to learn it seriously he/she can do it very soon. So if you try to do this types of works in your extra time you can do it online job.

Data entry works are not same kinds there are many kinds of variety for example just typing this is or any paper is also date entry, but there are some nice works in online this are following,
you  also remember data entry works are comparatively easy if some one understand you then you can do it easily.

(01) capha entry = Commonly $1 or $.50 you can get for 1000 capha entry. I hope you know what is capha. It is use for any program do not automatically enter a site so the site owner use capha recognize to say fill it to proof it is not machine but a human.

(02)Searching =this types of works buyer's requirement is any specific information gather from search engine like address, name, email, phone number etc collect. They use this information, latter they use for there marketing purpose. 

(03)Data collect from web site = This types of works don't need any experience. As a provider you search the site and some fixed data which buyer want to fill up in a website page for this you need just copy and paste.
(04)Audio transcription = This data entry works need good knowledge of English. Buyer sent u some audio and you need to listen and writing it.
(05)Document conversion = you need for this works PDF file same to same as Microsoft file.
(06)Classified ads listing = This types of data entry works classified advertisement making for web site . New new ads plus is the work. Example eBay, Amazon types site get variety types of goods ads and information you need to collect this information and add this information excel or speed sheet file then the goods ads sent to customer by email.
(07) medical transcription = this is one of the hard data entry works because to this you need some extra quality.

Now there are the question how and where you find this kinds of jobs it is not hard to find this types of works you can simply search website. there are many site which this works but be careful all site are not reliable some are fake so first confirm about this company to join data entry job. best of luck
