Thursday, February 16, 2012


What is domain name:- Domain name is a different name of a website. Like Any domain name must be need registration. When it is registered then it is  add with biggest domain name register.Without that domain name system(DNS) server add that web site IP address and this website related information.All the computers which is connected with internet  domain name and addresses give DNS server and play a very important role there
Registration of domain name:- You can registration your web site  from domain name registration company. Those company can manage you easy domain name for your use.There are varieties of domain name, you can choice one of them. World wide web (WWW) top some domain name extension are here:as below
01) .com (commercial)
02) .net  (network)
03) .org (organization)
04) .edu (education)
05) .gov (us government)
06) .int (international organization)
07) .pro (professional)
08) .biz (business)
09) .info (information)
10) .mil (us Dept. of Defense)
There are many company in the whole world even in Bangladesh which gives domain name registration service. You can easily find out of those company.
Choice of domain name:- For any company or person domain name choice is a difficult and also great decision. New new creative domain name extension can give you thousands of excellent domain name. For choosing domain name there are  main and important factor is why and what for you take or select this name. What your goal. If your choice proper and perfect then domain name gain your mission, vision and goal.
Short name:- Commonly people do not want to write web site name. In this case any big name selection can be boring for them. So when you selection your domain name must try to easy and small  name what can be easily remember or read.
 Meaning full name:- Without objective name small or easy name have no value for example this is a small name but this name write or remember is not easy. So choice this types of name which is related with your web site subject and people easily can understand about your web site.
 Easy to understand:- When you select your domain name you must give importance to that people easily can remember and understand and pronounce the web site.
 Sub domain:- Many people every day used sub domain but in that case they are not conses. World wide web (WWW) is a example of sub domain. Sub domain can be made DNS server and those are not need to registration in any where.

False domain name or Directory list:- Some of provider can gives you domain name from there own domain name example company. In fact this is not any real domain name this is a directory. Also directory domain names are not attractive mainly for business site.
Commonly directory domain names are use for personal web site and the ISP get free those website. You may looks in internet that kinds of web site WWW.there-are-our-company/username.
For the competition of the domain name registration companies that types of factor making and these web site rate also very cheap.
 Expired domain:-When you go to a domain name registration that time you can fall that problem in fact in that case many company bought domain name for business purpose they bought the domain name and later this domain name sells much price.but you can registration one domain name for highest 10 years.When the registration expired the company do not re-registration that also some time the domain name have a few days to expire. So you have to alert about that other wise you can fall that types of problem. May be after buy domain name some day later you find that your domain name registration expired.
 Use your own domain name:- After choice domain name and registration it you can decide that you only use this domain name for your web site and all your communication like e-mail and other related works you can do from only here.
 Conclusion:- Those domain name are small, easy to remember and meaning full that are asset. Without that thinking about visitors must remember about search engine. People search those subjects search engine makes ranking based of it.Makes very popular to your web site you also add searchlight in your domain.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for an additional fantastic blog.Keep sharing more post
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