Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Internet & future affect

Short introduction= I am afraid and thinking our next generation how could be used internet, and what they done that time. I think they totally depended on computer after all we are also depend on it now. But may be after 9/10 generation where they stand. I don't  guess what will the earth that time. how will be human being I am afraid and thinking our next generation how could be used internet, and what they done that time. I think they totally depended on computer after all we are also depend on it now.

For example a man wake up from sleep then go to fresh wash room and after that he/she start with his/her computer or laptop or note pad use. and break-first time he/she read news, email, and fixed his/her works for that day also he/she replied emails.Some body also doing social networking with face book or twitter or like some kinds of this.
When he go to office in there car or way he also doing other internet related works. Reached office he/she works with also use net because all field like management marketing, accounting, human resource engineering, architect, designer, or doctor all are working with net, Life is much more easy now for internet. starting shopping to buy gift dress , food. banking, varieties bill all are payment in online. also education and consultancy are now related internet.Science are running like 100 meter race may be that day are not too much later when people just go outside for a walking or relaxing. We are very soon fully depend on internet. Actually earning will also comes from internet. boss or worker need not to go office or a businessman can be handle his/her business in the home with internet. Just some people who are working fiscally they are going outside. but there also machine doing there works few.

child are now play games internet. Music ,video, movie all entertainment are internet.

I think  one day may be after some generation later human are face a difficult situation.I wish to know very much what they will do that time??? 

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