Saturday, March 31, 2012

Human right and education

people generally start education when his or her age is 4/5 this time after that she /he can go more and more some are o level some are A level some graduate and other are specialist some one doctor someone barrister some one businessmen and some one are nothing

By born one person get some things which can not move or remove that is genetically grown. But proper education can change many things though i tell only education but with that many things are related like family . atmosphere etc. Every people have positive side and negative side
school, collage, university that educated people but there are one more education which is human being. which is like a garden some garden are green trees some are flower and some are like desert, some like octopus .human can do something as good as none can do so and human can do bad as bad as none can do.every age has a new Chang in people live we can take it dividing when a baby born he/she do something which can a great after that when he/she going school he have some friend he knows about outside he is start learning from that time though actually baby start learning from he born but this time we can remember from 4/5 years age.i believe everyman without exception have any quality which can provide him as a star some one find the place or maximum not. i have a girl whens he born every one is happy me too but my happiness not full because that time i am drug addicted after that when her age is 3 my wife leave me because of my fault i grown up one good family i am educated also but i have not chaise the right things i feel alone always my wife try her best but i am not understand that . one day i find me alone nobody with me my wife child father mother sister brother none there are reason because i suffer them always. that time i feel what is life ? i do not know why i off drugs 15/30 days i will not go out side always prayer and try to self improvement that time i do little works like cutting grass , give water to my garden after that i start to see TV and mix with friends all my friends know i am addict but they also know i am good person day by day i am improve myself . then my wife come back to me my child call me dad dad i start a small job my wife also job our family member are helping us then 15 years gone. now i know what is life ? where is success? where is peace, where is love and how to gain good will honesty etc . Life means some things to one to somethings to another that not matter because life is also referent, not similar with each other.i told many things what i have now in my mind but the basic lesson is learn from see do not learn when you fall. Who is the best in this world ? i am . yes i am . if i believe it then nobody can change my mind . every one is deference and every one life is referent do not thing about this just asked your self is it right or wrong? if right i do it and if wrong i never do this when you know which is right and witch is wrong and not only know but also do it when your education and human being is best


Human right

just want to say that every thing we know but we do not did it, why? if you search you can find the answer there are many things related but i wish if do so the world may be change

i want to know why we don't support a drug addicted because he need more care and if he addict this is only not his fault
when a man addict in drugs must it is his fault and he suffer all the family member and society, but why you not take care of him every people is not same someone is different from other. why drugs come to so easy to a addict ? how it is making ? just for example we every one know smoking is injurious for health then why our country our parliament not ban it. billion billion $ waste there why? if we not smoke we are die? by the way i am a chain smoker but i hate my self when i see this money which i expenses for cigarette every day a full family was live with this money but that all i do nothing but i mark when i am in public place or any place where smoking is not allow i am still okay. i think personally if some one want to leave it his self confidence is enough but i suggest that all the world cigarette company is close and drugs it also close and ban. if so people may be more developing for his health, saving, extra expenses . there are many ways to be enjoy life . working, earning, living peacefully, makes new hobbies like reading writing gardening, traveling photography sports television games any thing you like do but leave this bad habit which makes us unsafe and our future generation may be more suffer for it , actually we like this things which is ban other wise who smoke? any way i not write it what i want but i just want to say calculate how many people takes drugs and cigarette and what is it cost every day?, i thing one days expenses of this bad habit can change our one days world if we can do so then we will human other wise we are only man. there are not only person related there are also related country,i wish if it will be ban

just think any people of the world not taking drugs or cigarette how much money save? how we feels that time actually there is demand of any thing of your heart and if it will be fill sometime you have one more wish there fore we are not happy, we do not know want to be happy, we do not want to live peace , we do not know how to be satisfied if we know we will do works which is do a human being but originally we are not human being now. we are busy to our self and our facilities our demand is this meaning of life ? when you eat pizza hut or a chines restaurant that time a small thin boy or girl just want some food may be wastes food . when you start smoking may be 2/3 cigaret smoke which price may be earn a poor family's full day earn. nothing will be change this world moving like that but please try to do some thing some how help or support a man therefore he can stand up in his own legs and he also becomes part of this group which group try to help one mother who not eat but no sorrow for this she is sorrow because her baby is not get food for two day
 we can use this money many progressive ways, we can change our family, our self, country , more over the world 

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Now  a days e-business are running so fast may be soon it is the main focus of business. 12% of UK people now purchasing there product by e-business, also USA , Germany , Australia, France, this all develop country people buying product by on line may be there percentage 10 or more but it is spreed so fast. people like this.
you think like Bangladesh where are internet or computer not very easy to most of the people there are e-business start already and get success too.
when amazon start there e-business they sells only books and today where they are standing i have a data may be not latest but you can guess from it there early income $ and per second they earn $667.75
e bay also early earn 6.290,000,000 per second $199.45. then you can think where they stand up and why not other follow them.

e-business have many advantage too like cost minimize as a business man now the person no need fax telephone or extra extra also people who is skilled in technology did some task which we common people can not think about that one software can change many things. the company chairman or Managing director not need to sit down his chair he can get all information by simple way.all are automated. there fore cost save, time save and also the works will going to do very fast.
Also customer need not to moving this mall to another shopping mall choice it or it simple he/she can choice it on net and give order and this product reached in his hand also he can save time and money other more thing it not need any time when you wish you can order may be this time is 3 pm

e-business also making competition because there are nothing to hide all company can see other companies web site so what price they give the product what is it quality every thing known every person they have option in there hand now for this reason competition also growing up. more over the days are coming when we all are ready for e-business or e-commerce and take the facilities we all common people from them. then we are e-buyer.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


DREAM RAIN: HOW TO START E-BUSINESS: Starting e-business is nothing any serous matter, its very simple. I think it is more easy than start a real shop. I will not very deeply d...


Starting e-business is nothing any serous matter, its very simple. I think it is more easy than start a real shop. I will not very deeply describe i just tell you how to start

(01) If you want to start e-business at first you need a website of your institute.That website describe your product details with picture and feature.

(02) You can make your website your self if you have knowledge about it. I say it because it is not so much tough thing there are many software which can help you make a web site you just need primary knowledge about it. Any way if you not know about that or time problem or you are not self confidence about that then you can hire a institute or a experience professional person who will do it.

(03) Next you need search engine optimize (SEO) if you have knowledge about it you can do it your self  other wise hire some one
it is very important because this time is very very competition time and your product not sell you only many more institute sell this so when a customer searching internet that time your site must be see first, there are several advantage without that you are cleanly bold.

(04) Remember that you also need or it is very much important that your web site have a perfect order foam therefore customer easily order your product.

( 05 ) Without that you have to public relation because if any customer want to talk with you then that time he/she can easily talk with you.

(06) Remember customer is customer give them priority and start to order place to product delivery must be fine. there fore this customer remember you and your site and service he/she order again and may be suggest there friends too.

(07) Timely delivery product is also very much important it may by person or may be parcel. try to reach the product as soon as possible.

(08) you also can take suggestion and advice to other professional person who are expert about it and have experience

(09) E-business starting is very simple but how you do it how you manage it how you run it this is very important because there are very much competition and you must ready for more hard competition so from starting website to get service continuously is very important.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


In present working online is a very good job. If you have the mentality and quality though who are not skill but they also can works here and earn here . I personally thinking that skill people are need to join with it because if some one have 4/5 hour in hand and he has educated he/she can do this work and earn extra money. Those people who are not skill they also earn but they need to primary knowledge about internet they can earn p.t.c or p,t.r etc but they have a good chance though every one have not this quality that is affiliate marketing if they can do it they also earn a handsome figure.

Actually i want to discuss about skill people i personally did not like affiliate marketing i feel shy to do this and if some one can not do it then he/she earn a very few amount from p.t.c or p.t.r.
Okay lets skill people who have knowledge about graphic design he/she can try it. who are good in writing they can try for writing or blogging. forum etc
and who are web developer or programer they are highly skilled. So they must do well in there field. But some things has here which people know but again they not know "i means from this there are huge competition here now and in future it gone more higher. so if any one really like or love working as a free lancer must be skilled  people. I mean he / she need to preparation for now to fight with first world . they are many far distance from us. I think it is not so easy but not so hard too if some one try to learn any things he/she can must do it.
But at first  you need patient, honesty,self confidence. and love your works.For a new comer my advice first you do every thing like p.t.c p.t.r you tube twitter Facebook affiliate marketing social marketing every thing .then after that you felt bore some works and you like some works. Money is not always every things because if you not like yuor work but try to do it you can not satisfied or you do not get good result so after3/4 month you decide which you like and which you not like select one or two option then works on it .
for example you like photography then okay buy a good camera and upload  your photo many more site which site gives your earning chance by sell photo or sharing photo. People do not learn every thing at a time then you can understand day by day which photo is good which is bad and you can take help of institute or any person who know about photography or if you like design make yourself fully designer learn adobe Photoshop , illustrator, or coral draw auto cad etc.Or if you like web developing then learn HTML PHP CSS MY SQ L etc always looks at up don't wasting your time to do simple clicking or tweet or Facebook like .You can earn to do so 10 cent 15 cent 25 cent  do it no problem but always looks at up choice which one you like and you have possibility to do well that field. Then start it give time and attention there and practice also. Try outsourcing works, you know day by day many things  and  when you are specialist at one subject may be it graphic design , software developer, web developer, web master , networking, any things, you feels then extra confidence. This days are digital days though we are not get pay pal until now but hope soon the ways are open. because when sun rise light must be sworn once a day out sourcing is our second or third remittance earning money . so be start ready  set gooooooooooo.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

E -business and e-commerce

E-business & e-commerce are not same things there are several different between this two.All though sometimes they used interchangeably use but sometimes they are different  one from another. But the terms and condition are different, and that difference factor join both cases.E-commerce covers outward-facing processes that touch customers, suppliers and also external partners, including marketing,sales, order taking, delivery, customer service, purchasing of raw materials and supplies for production also indirect operating-expense items, such as office supplies. It involves new business models and also to gain new revenue or lose some existing revenue to new competitors.

It's ambitious but relatively easy to implement because it involves only three types of integration: vertical integration of front-end Web site applications to existing transaction systems; cross-business integration of a company with Web sites of customers, suppliers or intermediaries such as Web-based marketplaces; and integration of technology with redesigned processes for order handling, purchasing or customer service.

E-business includes e-commerce but also covers internal processes such as production, inventory management, product development, risk management, finance, knowledge management and human resources. E-business strategy is more complex, more focused on internal processes, and aimed at cost savings and improvements in efficiency, productivity and cost savings.

An e-business strategy is also more difficult to execute, for the reason of  four directions of integration: vertically, between Web front- and back-end systems; laterally, between a company and its customers, business partners, suppliers; horizontally, among e-commerce, enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management, knowledge management and supply-chain management systems; and downward through the enterprise, for integration of new technologies with  redesigned business processes.

But e-business has a higher payoff in the form of more efficient processes, lower costs and  greater profits.
E-commerce and e-business both  these processes, as well as a technology infrastructure of databases, application servers, security tools, systems management and legacy systems. And both involve the creation of new value chains between a company and its customers and suppliers, as well as within the company itself.

Friday, March 9, 2012

How to display youtube on your website

You tube is a very much popular website. It is a video sharing site, Many people upload there video file in you tube, may be you also. You can display those video which you upload or if you want others video also display on your site . You can add any topic related or necessary video add your site from you tube. Now how can you do it lets do it step by step.
(01)At first you go site and select one video.
(02) Then when the video playing window open you looks right side embed and there are some code. Next you copy thee code. Then this code you used to your HTML page. You can save the code note pad or word file too.
(03) Now open the note pad program
(04) White the code but remember you have to changing the code and paste the code     you taken from you tube <object>.......</object>tag
(05) Now you save this file give a name like test_video_YouTube.
(06) Open this file any web browser you can see the result. If you click play button video will play. its depends on how first your video display to your internet spreed.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


                                                                   KINDS OF WEBSITE

Web site is the heart of the internet,. Millions of website are in internet. This site are different kinds and categories those are as below:

(01) Archive site :- This kinds of site mainly kept old important information. All people can use those important information.
(02) Business site :- This kinds of site made for spreed business , advertisement , service and for known to people there goal, mission and visions.
(03) Commerce or E-Commerce site :- Which site are makes for selling there goods and service those are commerce or e-commerce site. Fro this kinds of site any one can buy their products online for example :
(04) Community site:- Generally whom are same minded they can communication with each other from this types of site. Those site are mainly chatting and massage board types.
(05)Data base site :- This types of site mainly use for fixed types of content search and display.
(06)Development site:- Different types of resources and information for development of software, web design etc are available this types of site.
(07) Directory site:- This types of site categories and sub categories different types of content line yahoo directory, Google directory etc
(08) Download site :- Software games demo , computer wallpaper etc are download from this types of site and this site are made for those item.
(09) Games site :- This types of site are full of games. you can play games online this types of site. like WWW.myplaycity .com
(10) Information site :-You can collect huge of information this types of site. Those(01) Archive site :- This kinds of site mainly kept old important information. All people can use those important information.
(11) News site :- this types of site somethings like information site but the main different is those site post all recent news and feature directly or exclusively like
(12) Search engine :- this site are use for other sites display and gather information gateway. any thing you search you must use this types of search engine like WWW. etc
(13)Vanity site:- those site are running by some person or any person or small group like family or friends This sites information are use by the person or group wishes.
(14) Web log or blog site:- blogs are just like personal diary but now a days its use varieties of works or aim. its you can call daily works post also. this types of site also sometime use forum for discuss.

Without that some sites are mixing by many things like sometimes business site can be carry also information.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

How to microsoft web embedding fonts tool (WEFT) use,downlord and install.

Microsoft web embedding tool is a tool which can help web writer's make font objects which are add with there web pages.without some font family you can not use any font like bangle nor it is English or not Unicode font . In this case you can use Microsoft web embedding fonts tools. those types of problem 's for manage Microsoft web embedding tool though this tool can not embed all the font but it can show you which font it can not embed, WEFT tools for making font object it show you different kinds of  style .You can see those style in  Internet browser and then decide which style you can select.

Before install Microsoft WEFT you need to collect/manage it. you can get it free from Microsoft typography. 

Download it from weft3/download/8/a/1/8aibe03f-fc-4504-af9a-7b9230775284/WEFT1112b1.exes this link

After that install Microsoft tool take action like below:

 (01)Double click the installer, then come a massage box when it come click yes button

(02) If any application are running this time one massage come to close all the application .Close all the application and click OK button to the massage box.

(03) Now come user agreement license window click accept button.

(04) Now come user information window. here you fill up your full name. company name etc fill up all the box then click next button.

(05) Now installation folder window. here by default c;/ drive will select automatically if you want you can click next button for anther path. then press click button.

(06) New massage come , click yes button.

(07) Now component window displaying here all option select then click finish button.

(08) Now the component will be installing.

(09)Some time latter massage come that installation is complete. Now click OK button.

(10) In that time windows explore window will open and which short cut key keeping in your selected folder display.