Saturday, March 31, 2012

Human right

just want to say that every thing we know but we do not did it, why? if you search you can find the answer there are many things related but i wish if do so the world may be change

i want to know why we don't support a drug addicted because he need more care and if he addict this is only not his fault
when a man addict in drugs must it is his fault and he suffer all the family member and society, but why you not take care of him every people is not same someone is different from other. why drugs come to so easy to a addict ? how it is making ? just for example we every one know smoking is injurious for health then why our country our parliament not ban it. billion billion $ waste there why? if we not smoke we are die? by the way i am a chain smoker but i hate my self when i see this money which i expenses for cigarette every day a full family was live with this money but that all i do nothing but i mark when i am in public place or any place where smoking is not allow i am still okay. i think personally if some one want to leave it his self confidence is enough but i suggest that all the world cigarette company is close and drugs it also close and ban. if so people may be more developing for his health, saving, extra expenses . there are many ways to be enjoy life . working, earning, living peacefully, makes new hobbies like reading writing gardening, traveling photography sports television games any thing you like do but leave this bad habit which makes us unsafe and our future generation may be more suffer for it , actually we like this things which is ban other wise who smoke? any way i not write it what i want but i just want to say calculate how many people takes drugs and cigarette and what is it cost every day?, i thing one days expenses of this bad habit can change our one days world if we can do so then we will human other wise we are only man. there are not only person related there are also related country,i wish if it will be ban

just think any people of the world not taking drugs or cigarette how much money save? how we feels that time actually there is demand of any thing of your heart and if it will be fill sometime you have one more wish there fore we are not happy, we do not know want to be happy, we do not want to live peace , we do not know how to be satisfied if we know we will do works which is do a human being but originally we are not human being now. we are busy to our self and our facilities our demand is this meaning of life ? when you eat pizza hut or a chines restaurant that time a small thin boy or girl just want some food may be wastes food . when you start smoking may be 2/3 cigaret smoke which price may be earn a poor family's full day earn. nothing will be change this world moving like that but please try to do some thing some how help or support a man therefore he can stand up in his own legs and he also becomes part of this group which group try to help one mother who not eat but no sorrow for this she is sorrow because her baby is not get food for two day
 we can use this money many progressive ways, we can change our family, our self, country , more over the world 

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