Saturday, March 31, 2012

Human right and education

people generally start education when his or her age is 4/5 this time after that she /he can go more and more some are o level some are A level some graduate and other are specialist some one doctor someone barrister some one businessmen and some one are nothing

By born one person get some things which can not move or remove that is genetically grown. But proper education can change many things though i tell only education but with that many things are related like family . atmosphere etc. Every people have positive side and negative side
school, collage, university that educated people but there are one more education which is human being. which is like a garden some garden are green trees some are flower and some are like desert, some like octopus .human can do something as good as none can do so and human can do bad as bad as none can do.every age has a new Chang in people live we can take it dividing when a baby born he/she do something which can a great after that when he/she going school he have some friend he knows about outside he is start learning from that time though actually baby start learning from he born but this time we can remember from 4/5 years age.i believe everyman without exception have any quality which can provide him as a star some one find the place or maximum not. i have a girl whens he born every one is happy me too but my happiness not full because that time i am drug addicted after that when her age is 3 my wife leave me because of my fault i grown up one good family i am educated also but i have not chaise the right things i feel alone always my wife try her best but i am not understand that . one day i find me alone nobody with me my wife child father mother sister brother none there are reason because i suffer them always. that time i feel what is life ? i do not know why i off drugs 15/30 days i will not go out side always prayer and try to self improvement that time i do little works like cutting grass , give water to my garden after that i start to see TV and mix with friends all my friends know i am addict but they also know i am good person day by day i am improve myself . then my wife come back to me my child call me dad dad i start a small job my wife also job our family member are helping us then 15 years gone. now i know what is life ? where is success? where is peace, where is love and how to gain good will honesty etc . Life means some things to one to somethings to another that not matter because life is also referent, not similar with each other.i told many things what i have now in my mind but the basic lesson is learn from see do not learn when you fall. Who is the best in this world ? i am . yes i am . if i believe it then nobody can change my mind . every one is deference and every one life is referent do not thing about this just asked your self is it right or wrong? if right i do it and if wrong i never do this when you know which is right and witch is wrong and not only know but also do it when your education and human being is best


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