Thursday, March 1, 2012

How to microsoft web embedding fonts tool (WEFT) use,downlord and install.

Microsoft web embedding tool is a tool which can help web writer's make font objects which are add with there web pages.without some font family you can not use any font like bangle nor it is English or not Unicode font . In this case you can use Microsoft web embedding fonts tools. those types of problem 's for manage Microsoft web embedding tool though this tool can not embed all the font but it can show you which font it can not embed, WEFT tools for making font object it show you different kinds of  style .You can see those style in  Internet browser and then decide which style you can select.

Before install Microsoft WEFT you need to collect/manage it. you can get it free from Microsoft typography. 

Download it from weft3/download/8/a/1/8aibe03f-fc-4504-af9a-7b9230775284/WEFT1112b1.exes this link

After that install Microsoft tool take action like below:

 (01)Double click the installer, then come a massage box when it come click yes button

(02) If any application are running this time one massage come to close all the application .Close all the application and click OK button to the massage box.

(03) Now come user agreement license window click accept button.

(04) Now come user information window. here you fill up your full name. company name etc fill up all the box then click next button.

(05) Now installation folder window. here by default c;/ drive will select automatically if you want you can click next button for anther path. then press click button.

(06) New massage come , click yes button.

(07) Now component window displaying here all option select then click finish button.

(08) Now the component will be installing.

(09)Some time latter massage come that installation is complete. Now click OK button.

(10) In that time windows explore window will open and which short cut key keeping in your selected folder display.

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